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Chorus uniform (Issued) Alternate Uniform (Must Purchase)--Chorus Shirt Price: $27 Optional: $3 for name on sleeve Goal The goal of the choral music program here at Cross Creek High School is to have all members of the choir benefit from the enriching experience of performing choral literature. To achieve this goal, we will often study music from other cultures, which may include different languages and performance practices. In addition, we want each student to acquire the fundamental skills that lead to effective musicianship. At the completion of the school year each student should have a strong foundation in the basic elements of music theory, understand the process of vocal production, and show a great degree of proficiency when performing standard choral literature. Overall, we want to ensure that each student works to achieve an appreciation and respect for every genre of music. *Note: Nowhere in this statement is our mission to sing popular music or music we that we like. We strive to be true to the art form. As choir members, our foremost responsibility is to educate and enlighten our audience. We will attempt to be successful in fulfilling this goal whether in rehearsal, adjudication or exhibition. Grading How will we be graded? In each grading period each student will be graded as follows: Participation...15% Vocabulary Tests.. 10% Sight-Singing Tests10% Score Reading....10% After-School Rehearsal..15% Performances..40% How do I receive credit for each of these areas? In each grading period each student will be evaluated in the following manner: Participation Everyone must participate! In short, either you are an active participating member of the choir or you are not. There is no middle ground. With choir singing, it is imperative that everyone gives 100%. Haphazard or lackluster participation leads to poor performance. No matter hard the other members work we can never reach our full potential. Ideally, Maximum Effort = Maximum Performance. Everyday there are certain things I consider when assigning participation grades. First and foremost, each student must consciously follow the Rules of Singing (see paragraph marked Rules of Singing). A violation of one will get you a warning. Subsequent violations will earn you a zero as a participation grade for that day. Secondly, each student must be actively engaged in the rehearsal process. In essence, your attention is focused, your mouth is open, and you are making a serious attempt to produce the technical, bel canto sound that the choir is trying to achieve. Either you get a zero or a hundred. All participation grades are added together and account for fifteen percent of your total grade. Vocabulary tests Each student will be given a list that contains approximately seventy five vocabulary words. Once a week we will have a vocabulary test on at least five of the words. I will instruct the class as to which words to study. However, each student will be expected to study and remember terms that appeared on previous tests. Test will be available to students online to take every week. It is each students responsibility to log onto their class page every week to take the current weeks vocabulary exam. Exams will only be available for the week that they are due. After the deadline, they will be closed to students. They will not be reopened and the students assigned grade for that task will remain final. Students can access these tests by going to the schools web-site ( HYPERLINK "http://cross.rcboe.org/home.aspx" http://cross.rcboe.org/home.aspx) , click on class pages, scroll down to music, click on the class that you are assigned to, go to the section labeled Work & Events, click on the current weeks quiz. If the current weeks quiz is not displayed as a link, click on view monthly calendar. Then click on the current weeks quiz. Print the quiz from the web-site, complete the quiz, and return it the following class day. Sight-Singing Tests During the course of the grading period we will have singing tests. I may ask the student to sing their part individually or with a small group of people. Each person must be able to sing his or her part after it has been properly taught. Sometimes the singing tests will be sight reading tests. On which, the students will be required to identify pitches as it relates to solfege (i.e. Do, Re, Mi) or numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.). Sight-singing tests may be oral or written. Students should come to class prepared to do either or both. Score Reading Score reading exams are very simple. When they are administered the student may have to identify measures, identify symbols, give pitch names, give staff names, etc. All tests will be based on things I have taught and want to be certain the students understand. Score reading is an essential part of music preparation and performance. As soon as each student feels comfortable with navigating their way through a musical score the easier collective music making will be. Students will be directed by the director to the Score/ Sight Reading Resource Center where they will be directed to test on Score reading on Average once per week. After-School Rehearsals Because we are a performing ensemble it is imperative that we practice, practice, and then practice again. Since we have to perform with students that we might not necessarily take a class with the necessity to rehearse after school is created. Students are expected to be at all after-school rehearsals in order to receive reinforcement of music we have studied. The strength of our overall vocal sound depends on it. In general, there is an average of four rehearsals per grading period. There is no make-up assignment for missed rehearsals. If a student is unable to make any of the after-school rehearsals the highest score they can make in the grading period is an 85. Performances The show is the reason we exist. In fact, 99% of our time is spent in rehearsal and preparation, and only 1% is actual performance. Nevertheless, we look forward to that 1%. If we dont perform, then many of the things we have practiced cannot be realized. The performance is the culmination and exhibition of our hard work and dedication. Each student is expected to understand this vital part of the choral experience. Therefore, it is absolutely mandatory that all choir members are present at each and every performance. A failure to meet a performance date may lead to a very poor grade. Concert Etiquette An essential element of performance is concert etiquette. There may be times when all members of the choral program are not on stage and actively participating in a performance. In those instances I may ask members of another choir to sit in the audience and observe a different choir perform. It them becomes our responsibility to model good concert etiquette. Oftentimes, it becomes necessary for us to teach our audience how to receive us in concert for. Generally speaking, the western choral music tradition is one that is contemplated in silence. Simply put, the audience should be quiet as they sit and listen. At the end of each selection the audience claps to show their appreciation. There should be no loud outbursts or anything that would draw attention away from the choir performance. Furthermore, you should never enter or exit while a song is being performed. Excused Absences Excuses will be issued to students who miss a performance. However, the absence cannot simply be disregarded. This statement includes sicknesses, funeral attendance, and unforeseen acts. Missing a performance is a very serious matter. It is unfair to you, the student, and it is unfair to choir members that have rehearsed with you, supported you while you sang solo, or has to sing your part at the last minute because you did not show up. Therefore, missing a performance should be avoided at all costs. Every avenue should be explored and every option should be exhausted before a scheduled performance or rehearsal is missed. When you miss a performance all reasons for missing the performance are acceptable and validated by the director. One reason is just as valid as the other. Nevertheless, any choir member that misses a performance, for any reason, is required to complete a make-up assignment within one week of the missed performance, or their grade for that performance will be a zero. This assessment is in accordance with Richmond County Board of Education Rule 10(a). Students that participate in sports, or other school sponsored organizations or events, are to notify the conductor of any conflicts well in advance so that the details of the conflict can be resolved in the best way possible. All students that plan to miss a performance should let me know in advance, and obtain their make-up assignment early. Make-ups Make-up assignments are offered for any student that misses a performance for any reason. There are only three acceptable make-up assignments. In most situations, the teacher will determine which one the student will complete. However, each student can petition the director if there is a particular assignment they prefer. We will then consult on which will be the most educational path to explore. First, the student can write a report. The report must be five typed pages and no more that 12 point font. The paper must also be double spaced. The report will cover the life of some composer, time period, genre, or piece of music. In the case of a composer the paper must include one picture. That picture does not count as one of the five pages of content. The topic will be one of my choosing. It will not be accepted unless it is to my specifications. Furthermore, the student cannot receive help from parents or other individuals. After completing the report, the teacher will review it and assign it a numerical grade. The student will then be given a test made of questions from the graded report. The two grades will be added together, and divided by two. The average of the two grades will be the standing grade for the missed performance. Students are encouraged not to plagiarize. The best way to avoid this educational faux pas is to be sure that every word in the body of the document is a word that is apart of your vocabulary. Or, at the very least, make sure that you understand every word used. Terms that catch my attention such as Lisztian Brevaura, will surely make its way onto the make-up exam. Second, the student can record a musical, opera, or some neo-classical western music performance from television, edit it for commentary or commercials, and submit the video tape to me. The tape must be accompanied by a synopsis of the performance. The synopsis must be thorough and include: song titles and composers, time periods, genres, the impression the music made on the student and the audience, and the mood of each piece performed. Third, the student will be allowed to attend a concert of another performing ensemble. The ensemble must be performing scholarly music with classical western music forms. The student must secure a program of the performance, and remain throughout the whole show. Afterwards, the student must turn in a copy of the program with a synopsis and commentary of every piece performed. Again, let me reiterate that all make-up assignments must be completed within one week of the missed performance. On all make-up assignments the student cannot receive a grade higher than a B. Any grade left incomplete will become a zero. Any student wishing to do a make-up assignment must have it approved by me. After the first week of the missed performance has passed all grades are final. There will be no changesno exceptions. Any student that has difficulty making after school performances and rehearsals may still be able to receive a passing grade; however such a scenario creates a situation in which the student must be prepared to do a lot of independent study. Rules of Singing (Rehearsal Procedure) No eating or chewing food, paper, or objects of any kind (MHSIC.1(b)) No talking while were singing (MHSIC.1(e)) Sit in the classroom configuration semi-Circle (MHSIC.1(e)) When sitting, do not pull down the tabletops (MHSIC.1(a)) Sit up straight with both feet flat on the floor (MHSIC.1(a)) Stand up straight (feet shoulder width apart) with music held high (MHSIC.1(a)) When not holding music keep your hands by your side (MHSIC.1(a)(e)) Always look at the director (MHSIC.1(g)) These rules are to be strictly followed. A violation will cause us to lose productivity during the rehearsal. Two violations, or a failure to correct one, will result in a low mark (i.e. a Zero (0)) as a participation grade. Testing Procedure When tests are administered the following should be strictly followed. From the time the test is issued there is to be no talking by anyone. Work quickly and quietly. If anyone speaks at all, for any reason, your paper will be taken and you will receive a zero. Therefore, the best thing to do is dont say a word. Dont ask for a pencil, dont ask for paper, just dont do it. Uniforms The choir has uniforms which are used for performances. Every student who checks out a uniform is expected to have the uniform professionally cleaned after every performance. *No uniform will be accepted unless it has been dry cleaned (returned in bag with receipt). No one, under any circumstances, is authorized to launder the uniform. Only professional dry cleaning is considered acceptable maintenance. The following rules govern uniform wear: Girls must wear black/ Skin toned stockings with black/Burgundy shoes. Earrings (girls) must be studs or small hoops. Guys must wear black/ Burgundy shoes (no sneakers). Hair should be neatly groomed. Belts should be worn with pants. Good Hygiene must be observed Anyone who is not wearing the uniform properly is in violation and may be excluded from performances at the directors discretion. *Caution: When in uniform, perfumes, cologne, scented lotions and many hair sprays are not be used. Many people have allergies and the excessive use of these products may severely affect their health. Therefore, it is advised you do not come to class or to concerts spraying these products. All-State Chorus and Honor Choir Throughout the year several students will be encouraged to try out for various events such as All-State and District Honor Choir. These are events that are sponsored by the Georgia Music of Educators Association. They require that students audition for a panel of judges. The audition is usually very unnerving for most students, but with hard work and preparation it can be attainable. Students who express their interest will receive the necessary assistance from the director to help them be as successful as possible. I will aid them in selecting songs, practice sight-reading, and help them develop their tonal memory. As stated earlier, this process is very grueling. Even many skilled musicians find it very difficult. It is not something that all students of the choir will be able to accomplish. Nevertheless, anyone that properly prepares can be successful, and may eventually win a place in one of these choirs. All students are encouraged to set their goals high and expect the best. *Students that are members of an advanced choir will be required to register and audition. A failure to do so will result in the student being assigned a make-up assignment. Students that neglect to complete the make-up assignment will receive a failing mark for missing this performance opportunity. Notwithstanding, please note that even the best singers will not succeed without the proper preparation. This year the Richmond County Music Teachers Association is offering an All-State Chorus Academy where-in students can receive sight-singing instruction and performance evaluation from teachers. All are encouraged to attend. Students and parents will be notified well in advance of the scheduled times when they are released. Registration cost for this event is $15, and Richmond County Public Schools will provide transportation to the designated testing site if the student desires to take advantage of it. Parents are allowed to accompany them either on the bus or in a personally owned vehicle. The first All-State audition is set for the second Saturday in November. And the All-State Choir will meet in Savannah in April. I have no doubt that our school and county will be well represented. Annual Chorus Trip The chorus here at Cross Creek has a tradition of taking competitive choir trips. This year we will travel to Carowinds for the Music in The Parks Festival. In previous years this trip was a great success as we competed and won 1st Place in the choir division. We have registered again to compete in this festival, and plan on taking this trip on April 27, 2019. We will take chartered busses secured through Lewis Bus Lines. Student participation cost for this event is $90. This includes the bus trip, park ticket, and cost for festival participation. It is imperative that students plan to begin paying on this trip immediately. We are requesting that the first deposit of $25 be made by Aug. 31st in order to secure your passage for the trip. Any trip that is not PAID IN FULL will become eligible FOR SALE. After that initial deposit we request that the following schedule be followed for subsequent payments: Payment #1: September 7th : $25 Payment #2: December 14th: $35 Payment #3: February 28th: $30____________ Total: *$90 Please note that the price on the payment schedule is offered to keep us on track with companies that we must pay money to. The price could be positively affected (meaning it could go down) if everyone vigorously participates in our fundraisers. These deposit and payments are Non-refundable. After the payment all monies becomes the property of the traveling company and agency and not the Cross Creek Choral department. Students will be allowed to make payment in full at any time before the deadline. Furthermore, we are asking that all monies be PAID IN FULL by February 28th, 2019. After this date, no other payments will be accepted and no refunds will be issued on unpaid trips. Parents are encouraged to accompany us as we will need several chaperones to assist us with our large amount of choral students. The price for accompanying parents is $61. This price includes your park entrance ticket and the bus ride. To that end, we are encouraging all to purchase our chorus shirt as that will be the uniform that we will wear to the park. Please use the form at the bottom of the page to inform me of you and your childs intentions on supporting this event. *All students should be aware that Richmond county rules and guidelines still apply to all participants. Furthermore, students should be aware that this is a performing trip and any student that plans on missing this performance is still required to complete a make-up assignment (see guidelines above). In addition, parents that accompany us as chaperones are required to complete the RCBOE Volunteer Training Session. Parent/Student Support Every parent is encouraged to be an active part of our organization. When parental involvement and support are high we have more performing opportunities and greater success. One of the ways we want to encourage support is to invite each parent to join our support team. This year we plan on having regular meetings, parent leaders, and various fund raisers for the students. We will be sending communication home that announces our first meeting. All parents are encouraged to be present. If you cannot make the meeting, you are still invited to call me at the school and offer suggestions, submit ideas and volunteer your services in any capacity. I sincerely believe you can be an essential element of our Parent Support effort. With your help, we can ensure that our kids receive the best choral experience known to our area. Without your support our achievement is limited. Therefore, please plan to be active. Now that your child is a member of the choir you should consider yourself a member also. If that be true, you shouldnt just plan to have them at the performances you should also plan to stay and make it a success. Your help is greatly needed, and you will be appreciated. Conclusion I sincerely hope that the things contained herein will be met enthusiastically. The truth of the matter is that all of you have to do is show up everyday ready to work hard and ready to sing. By all accounts choir is one of the hardest classes in the school. Yet, it is the most rewarding. For, there is no other subject in which you are appreciated and applauded for your efforts. Finally, let me welcome you to choir. I know we will have a memorable and enjoyable year. We will be successful by continuing to uphold our tradition and standard of excellence. We will continue to challenge ourselves and our peers, to grow musically. With goals such as these success is on the horizon! Please sign the bottom portion acknowledging receipt of this handbook, detach and return it to me. Please log on to our Facebook page and send a friend request to continuously receive updates and reminders about our programs and events. In addition, you may sign up for reminders and updates via REMIND. The REMIND codes are as follows: Beginning Chorus: Text # 81010 Enter Message: @1mxchr Advanced Chorus: Text # 81010 Enter Message: @7cdf Any questions or concerns can be addressed to me. Thank you for your cooperation and I look forward to an exciting year of making music. Sincerely, J. Peterson, Choir Director UpComing Events Event Date Deadline/Time Price AUGUST All-State Chorus Rehearsal Aug. 14th 2:45-4:15 N/A All-State Chorus Rehearsal Aug. 16th 2:45-4:15 N/A All-State Chorus Rehearsal Aug. 21th 2:45-4:15 $7 All-State Chorus Rehearsal Aug. 23rd 2:45-4:15 N/A All-State Chorus Rehearsal Aug. 30th 2:45-4:15 N/A SEPTEMBER *Fundraiser: Car Wash September 1st 9:00 -1 p.m. $7 Auto Zone (Peach Orchard Rd) *Choir Shirt Order Money Due Sept. 3 $25 All-State Chorus Rehearsal Sept. 4th 2:45-4:15 N/A All-State Chorus Rehearsal Sept. 6th 2:45-4:15 N/A Trip PAYMENT Sept. 7th $25 *Chorus Rehearsal Sept. 13th 2:45-4:15 N/A (Location: Cross Creek Chorus Room) *Chorus Rehearsal Sept. 20th 2:45-4:15 N/A Postmark Deadline: All-State Chorus Sept 25th Sept. 19 (Money Due) *Fundraiser: Car Wash September 29th 9:00 -1 p.m. $7 Auto Zone (Peach Orchard Rd) (Tickets are $5 If Purchased in Advance) Event Date Deadline/Time Price OCTOBER Cross Creek Talent Show Oct. 12th Oct. 4th $5 Advance $7 Door NOVEMBER *Chorus Rehearsal Nov. 1st 2:45-4:15 N/A (Location: Cross Creek Chorus Room) *Chorus Rehearsal Nov. 8th 2:45-4:15 N/A All-State Chorus Auditions Nov. 12th (Location: Effingham County High School) LPGE Postmark Deadline Nov. 13th *Chorus Rehearsal Nov. 15th 2:45-4:15 N/A *Chorus Rehearsal Nov. 29th 2:45-4:15 N/A DECEMBER *Chorus Rehearsal Dec. 6th 2:45-4:15 N/A Fine Arts Festival Dec. 8th 6-9:00 p.m. $7/ Adults (Location: Cross Creek Auditorium) $3/ Kids Elementary: Free (Tickets are $5 If Purchased in Advance) Trip PAYMENT Dec. 14th $35 JANUARY District Honor Chorus Jan. 10th $25 (Abilene Baptist Church) FEBRUARY Miss Cross Creek Pageant Feb. 2nd $10 All-State Chorus Feb 14-16 (The Classic Center Athens) Choral Division Council Meeting Feb. 15th (The Classic Center) Various Church / Black History Program Performances FINAL PAYMENT FEB 28th $30 MARCH *Fundraiser: Car Wash March 2nd 9:00 -1 p.m. $7 Auto Zone (Peach Orchard Rd) Chorus Rehearsal Mar. 7th 2:45-4:15 N/A *Chorus Rehearsal Mar. 14th 2:45-4:15 N/A Large Group Performance Mar. 18-19 All Day Event Evaluation (LGPE) (Grovetown High School) All-County Chorus Mar. 28th 9:00 a.m.-7p.m. $10 *Fundraiser: Car Wash March 30th 9:00 -1 p.m. $7 Auto Zone (Peach Orchard Rd) Event Date Deadline/Time Price APRIL *Chorus Rehearsal Apr. 18th 2:45-4:15 N/A *Chorus Rehearsal Apr. 25th 2:45-4:15 N/A Performance Carowinds 27th $95 (Orlando,FL) MAY *Spring Concert 3rd $0 (Location: Cross Creek Auditorium) *Baccalaureate ???? *Cross Creek Graduation May 29th 6:00 p.m. $0 An event with Asterisk denotes required attendance by all students. In Addition, Please note that these dates and times are sometimes subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances. These are provided to give you an idea of how the year should flow. We ask that you please be flexible and support all events fully to the best of your ability. I have read, understand and agree to follow the rules and guidelines set forth by the Cross Creek High School Choir Handbook. Parent Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _____________ Parent Signature: _____________________________________ Date: _____________ Student Signature: ___________________________________ Date: _____________ Parent Phone Number:_____________________________ (For Calling post Reminders) E-mail:____________________________________________ Carowinds Music In The Parks Festival Student Name (Print):________________________________________ Class Period:_____________ ______My Child will be attending the Carowinds Music In The Parks Festival ______My Child will not be attending the Carowinds Music In The Parks Festival ______I will be attending the Carowinds Music In The Parks Festival as a chaperone Parent name (Print):_________________________________________ Phone:_______________________ Parent Signature:________________________________________ Choir Shirt Order Form Name:___________________________ Size: Sm_____Md____Lg_____ XL_____ 2XL_____ 3XL____ No. Shirts_____ x $27.00 = ____________ Total + $3 for name ____________(optional) _____________ New Total Print Name as it will appear on shirt Name 1:___________________________ Name 2:___________________________ Name 3:___________________________ Return With Money by September 3       PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1  &@VXad  ) - 4 c d e f m n   s Ǿ󨠨wsoswskskhD h Bh ;h ;5CJaJh4h ;5CJaJhX5CJaJ hXhXhXh9h95h9hhz5hhz56h]\fh 0Jjh Uh hIhlT5CJaJhlTjhlTUj4hlTUhzjhlTU*  @Zw) d e f n  s h`hgdc`gdcgdz$a$gdz $@ ^@ a$gdz$^`a$gdlT$a$gdL$a$gdlTs   # wx )Dc|`gd]o`gdcgdD hh^h`hgd & FgdD      " # P h .x  )BDz½h5sh@vh B h?h?h?hs\5CJaJh4hs\5CJaJ h3C5 hs\5hs\h$hD 5CJaJh4hD 5CJaJhh5hH@ h5hh`HRhD h 3 )o&7M]E\lm12suvþòåååÙ{rh9h0Jj0hU hhjhUhhAUh+Chch_qhc$5CJaJh4hc$5CJaJ hc$5hc$ he,R5he,Rhe,R5he,Rh? h?5h?5CJaJh4h?5CJaJh5CJaJ,[\mHI]qr """%%0%(((&+H.I.`gd`HR`gdxgd\`gd\`gdcgdD >MZ_fgGHIO\]kppqrW !"7"""""亱šۊxpdh4hu5CJaJhxhx5hCNhx5 hN`#5 hx5hxhCNhBED5h@vhu h\hBEDh4hBED5CJaJh5CJaJh\h4hBEDhmN5CJaJh4hmN5CJaJhx5CJaJhmN h%>he,Rh+C h%>6h%>hAU'""""##$$$m$n$$%%%/%0%j%'((((((((()))))Z)i)))))******%+&+o+y++++ij򣟛򏣟hwh[hQahE*hCNheh"O$hBh4hu5CJaJhv5CJaJhh_. h3Ch3Ch`HRhu5CJaJh`HRh3C5CJaJh3C hu5>*h`HRhuhu5CJaJ3++++ ,c,d,x,|,},,,,,---,-D-E-T-b-s--..G.H.I.Q.R.L/m//// 0"0(0.00L13333Z4c4h~h}h}hW6hOHhCGuhWhjhw5CJaJh4hw5CJaJh`HRhBhw5>* hw5>*h"O$h|zh"O$5hwhQa5hwhQa5>*hB hQa5>*hQahwh/I.R./L14c67:::: ;\;;;$<h<<<s=t==??`gdcgd h`hgd  & Fgd$W`gdOH`gd`HRgdD c4t4445555 6b6c677S88809U9l999p:::::::::::;; 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